The magic of AI to help schools with

The most loved, secure, & trusted AI platform for schools.
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Loved     by over 4 million educators and their students

The award-winning, most used, and most loved AI platform for schools in the world. Educators use MagicSchool to help lesson plan, differentiate, write assessments, write IEPs, communicate clearly, and more. And now use MagicSchool for Students to drive student outcomes and build AI literacy with responsible AI experiences built and monitored by teachers.

Save 7-10 hours a week

The leading AI platform for schools

Your "one stop shop" for AI in education: Teachers of all subjects and grade levels can curate a dashboard of useful, continually-updated AI tools, all in one place.

Save time and fight teacher burnout: Lighten your load with the help of MagicSchool's AI  teaching assistant so you can shine where it matters the most — with your students!

Bring Responsible AI to Your Students: Our MagicSchool for Students (MagicStudent) platform promotes responsible AI literacy and aids in learning without replacing students' critical-thinking skills.

Effortlessly generate quality outputs: Our intuitive interface and guided prompts enable you to quickly tailor an output to meet your needs. Plus, the “show an exemplar” feature adds clarity and context to each tool, for a frustration-free experience.

The most robust AI
platform for education

The most comprehensive AI tool list for teachers

In just minutes, you can generate standards-aligned lesson plans, academic content, assessments, individualized IEPs, professional student/parent communication, and more.

AI tools for students, monitored by teachers

Provide personalized student support, tutoring, feedback, chat bots, and image generation ­— all customizable to meet the needs of your students.

Robust training resources

With multiple certification courses, training options, video walkthroughs, community groups, and more — you’re always supported.


Easily integrate MagicSchool into your workflows and existing tools. From LMS integrations like Google Classroom and Canvas LTI to 1-click exports into Google Docs, Microsoft Word and more.

Independently evaluated as the best for safety and privacy

Built-in safeguards: Our interface offers a user-friendly experience that highlights potential bias, emphasizes factual accuracy, and cautions users to avoid personal identifiable information.

Compliant with COPPA, GDPR, SOC 2, FERPA and state privacy laws: Our platform respects the privacy of student and staff information with rigorous technical, administrative, and physical information security measures. We are also a 1EdTech Certified Data Privacy App, reinforcing our credibility as a trusted EdTech solution.

Built to uphold robust privacy needs of schools and districts: Our system does not require personal identifiable student information. We vigilantly monitor and review our data, promptly deleting any inadvertently shared personal identifiable information.

Responsible AI for Schools

Embrace responsible AI for schools

Join millions of educators who self-report saving 7-10 hours each week using MagicSchool to help lesson plan, differentiate, write assessments, write IEPs, communicate clearly, and more while having a measurable impact on student outcomes.

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