88% of users say that MagicSchool serves the diverse needs of students.
94% of users say that MagicSchool saves them time.
Facilitates a 28% improvement in students meeting literacy grade level expectations.
95% of users recommend MagicSchool.

What is MagicSchool?

MagicSchool is the most used, most loved AI platform for educators world wide. The extensive platform houses all of your AI needs in one platform - with over 80 tools designed to help you lesson plan, differentiate, write assessments, write IEPs, communicate clearly, and more. Save time, fight burnout, & promote sustainability: Think of MagicSchool as an AI assistant to lighten your load and help you shine where it counts the most - with your students! Key benefits include:

Easy to use interface for educators: Eliminate the need for complicated prompting and get what you need fast. And options to prompt and contextualize even more for your unique school context.

Robust training resources: Built in training with “show an exemplar” in every tool and multiple certification courses, training options, video walkthroughs and more.

With our Plus package, users get Google Classroom and Microsoft Exports like 1 click exports for Google Forms, export to MS Word. Plus users also get unlimited generations, Student Rooms in our MagicSchool for Students platform, Unlimited Output history. Plus users also get the ability to continue to add and customize their generations without starting over, including extended and custom quick actions to tailor the tools.

Responsible AI for Schools

Independently evaluated as the safest and most privacy-focused AI platform

Built-in safeguards: Our interface offers a user-friendly experience that highlights potential bias, emphasizes factual accuracy, and cautions users to avoid personal identifiable information.

Compliant with COPPA, GDPR, SOC 2, FERPA and state privacy laws: Our platform respects the privacy of student and staff information with rigorous technical, administrative, and physical information security measures.

Built to uphold robust privacy needs of schools and districts: Our system does not require personal identifiable student information. We vigilantly monitor and review our data, promptly deleting any inadvertently shared personal identifiable information.

Free Professional Development Resources

Explore the extensive resources, including free certification courses, guides, videos, user groups, trainings, lesson materials, and more to help support you getting started with MagicSchool.


What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?  What is MagicSchool?

Generative AI: A type of artificial intelligence (AI) that can create new content based on patterns it learns from existing data.

MagicSchool AI:  
A platform that takes the power of AI and puts it into educators’ and students’ hands to help them use it productively and responsibly in their respective work. With over 4 million users, MagicSchool is the most used and loved AI platform built for education in the world.

Want to learn more? Check out our Resources page for free training, certifications, lesson plans and more.

Why did you build MagicSchool?  Why Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education?

Learn about why we built MagicSchool for teachers and students.

How does MagicSchool’s AI work?  Which AI powers the platform and what Large Language Model(s) (LLMs) do you use?

We ensure that each tool on the platform is accompanied by the best AI model to generate the strongest outputs. The platform can be powered by various models such as OpenAI’s GPT 4o, Anthropic’s Claude, Google’s Gemini, and others (and is currently powered by multiple models). While we have not trained our own model yet, we may do that in the future if we believe that it will result in better outcomes for our users.

Based on our testing, there is no 1 single model that is best for all tasks.  Constant experimentation is conducted to pair tools with different models to determine the most optimal AI model for specific tasks.

We know that AI technology moves fast and therefore, it’s important that we’re able to flex between models to produce the best possible experience for educators. This iterative process ensures that the platform consistently delivers the highest quality responses to its users.

What are best practices for using MagicSchool appropriately?  

MagicSchool is proactive with sharing best practices for ethical and responsible usage of AI.  We display these upon login for teachers and students as best practices to use AI safely:

Check for Bias and Accuracy:
AI might occasionally produce biased or incorrect content. Always double-check before sharing with students.
The 80-20 Approach: Use AI for initial work, but make sure to add your final touch, review for bias and accuracy, and contextualize appropriately for the last 20%.
Your Judgment Matters: See AI-generated content as a starting point, not a final solution. Always adhere to your school's guidelines.
Know the Limits: Our AI is not connected with retrieval from the internet yet and training ends at a certain date, so be aware when dealing with recent topics.
Protect Privacy: Don't include personal student details like names or addresses. We strive to promptly remove any accidentally submitted information.

Your Teacher Can See Your Activity in MagicSchool:  
Please make sure to follow your school and classroom guidelines when interacting with the AI.
Math Answers Not Reliable:  Large Language Models can help you with step by step processes, but can not calculate math solutions accurately.  Do not rely on AI for math solutions.
Interacting With An AI Takes Practice: Be clear and specific about what you need, so the AI can give you a better answer.  Try again if the first try isn’t what you hoped for!
AI is a Tool - Not a Replacement for Your Thinking:  See AI-generated content as something that can help assist you, but not the final solution.
Monitor for Bias and Accuracy: AI might occasionally produce biased or incorrect content. Always double-check important information.
Protect Privacy: Don't include personal details like names or addresses. We strive to promptly remove any accidentally submitted information.

Save time & improve outcomes now

Join millions of educators who self-report saving 7-10 hours each week using MagicSchool to help lesson plan, differentiate, write assessments, write IEPs, communicate clearly, and more while having a measurable impact on student outcomes.

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