MagicSchool Raises $2.4M to Fight Teacher Burnout Using Artificial Intelligence

Background of students in class raising their hands and the blog title in white text in the middle

A Letter From Our Founder, Adeel Khan

Dear Educators,

As a lifelong teacher and principal, I started MagicSchool to build AI tools that would have helped me in the classroom. It’s a simple idea built on transformative technology - and has really struck a chord with overworked educators.  I’m thrilled to see how teachers have used these tools to build lesson plans, personalize instruction, and save hours of time. 

We launched MagicSchool 3 months ago. The response has been incredible:

  • 100,000 teachers have started using MagicSchool to reclaim their time and better serve students. Over 10,000 schools now have teachers using MagicSchool representing nearly every school district in the country.  
  • We now offer over 50 tools to help teachers with things like quiz generation, text leveling, diagnostic assessment, lesson plans, word problem generation, IEP generation, and more.
  • Teachers use MagicSchool on average more than 7 times each week - it’s fast becoming a new part of teacher workflows.  

I know that the moment I post this, those numbers will be out of date — we’ve been growing at over 50% a week. We launch 1-2 tools a week and weekly usage is growing as teachers come back to school (the numbers above represent what happened during the summer break!).

The speed of our growth is representative of the longstanding need to support overburdened educators. For decades, we’ve asked teachers to do more with less, and educators have taken superhuman efforts to continue helping guide and teach the next generation. More than four in ten K-12 teachers in the U.S. (44%) say they "always" or "very often" feel burnt out at work—outpacing all other industries nationally. (Gallup)  

Throughout my career, I’ve seen some of the best educators I know leave the profession because of burnout. These are the kinds of folks that we all want in front of students - irreplaceable teachers. If we don’t address teacher burnout now, it's students that will pay the price.

AI will reduce teacher workloads and help them have more sustainable careers. MagicSchool is already saving teachers hours of time - that’s time teachers can use to build trust with a hard-to-reach student, meet with a family to help them understand financial aid, differentiate a lesson for diverse learners, and enjoy time with their families on the weekends.

If you want to help us fight teacher burnout, there’s one big thing you can do right now to help. Please help us get the word out and send to any K-12 educators you know.

A sincere thank you to partners who contributed to our funding round which was led by Range Ventures along with experts in education and machine learning including GSV Ventures, Rethink Education, Charter School Growth Fund, Gary Community Investments, Transcend Fund, Ednovate Capital and several angel investors including Elijah Mayfield, Ted Dintersmith, Samyr Quereshi, Roger Luo, Niels Hoven, and partners from Reach Capital. These investors join our initial investors, Other Ventures and Raheel Khan.

With gratitude,

Adeel Khan

Founder and CEO, MagicSchool AI